>Now that the defendant lost and still has no more or really less money
>than they did before, what is to prevent them from just starting to lie
>again?  Nothing.  We have been in that position along with Marshall Farms,
>and over a few of the same people.  Someone who loves to tells lies about
>us lives ina trailer and has no real assets.  Sure we could prove she is a
>liar and has maliciously attacked us, but she has nothing to lose if she
>lost a court case.
YUP!  I agree entirely with this information.  You are right, nothing to
gain in sueing this one but you CAN have her prosectued for harassment
(even contacting the local police does wonders).  I would even be willing
to share my experiences on the person you mention.  However, some of those
who have tried to change things at MF, have not been sued because there IS
enough proof, that MF could not sue for slander or damages.  That is why,
not because MF wants "privacy".
>Marshall Farms is a business.  We have to accept that.  With that
>acceptance comes us also having to accept that yes profit is indeed a
>motive.  If Marshall Farms was not profitable with ferrets, arguably most
>of the list members would not own ferrets at this point.  If Marshall is
>to remain profitable they will have to do things we do not like.
I disagree.  Why do I have to accept what they do?  I also disagree that
most of the list members would not have ferrets if it weren't for MF.  If
people really wanted ferrets, they would find a private breeder.  Most of
the ferrets purchased in petstores are impulse buys who end up in shelters
(I said "most" here, not ALL).  This tells me that those who have done
their research on ferrets are most likely going to find another source for
adoption and are most likely not "impulse, I think the ferrets are cute"
types.  I would find a way to obtain a ferret from another source - just
like it used to be.  I recall when stores in my area did not sell ferrets
at all.  People still obtained ferrets.
>Marshall Farms is the ONLY farm we have heard of that ever had a
>permanent position for a vet working on staff.
Nope, not the only one.  Also, that does not justify the fact that
surgeries are performed too early and by unlicensed vets.  I can only
imagine how many are "discarded" during the "learning curve".  I shudder.
>Marshall Farms is the single largets contributer to medical research on
>ferrets.  Much possibly even most of what we know about ferret medicine
>comes directly or indirectly from efforts and expenditures of Marshall
I agree that they are the largest supplier, this does not strengthen
anything for them.
>Marshall Farms does some things we find distasteful.  That is why we are
>not in that business.  We do not want to have to do the things that have
>to be done to run a successful ferret ranch.
Hooray!  I am so glad to hear this.  All this time I thought you really
loved everything they do.  I am glad to hear that you realize this and
those are the things I am trying to have changed!
>This is all repetitive.  We have personally debunked most of the "Acme
>ferret info bank" stories several times over the years it has been around.
>Like a bad penny it keeps popping up as someone new stumbles across it.
It is repetitive, however, this time things are coming out of it because
I found major supporters ready to take on what I have proposed.  That is
what I have gained from this time around.  Finally!  Some people who are
paying more than just lip-service and are stepping up to the plate!  Goal
of debate, accomplished.
>We are not in any way business associates of Marshall Farms but rather in
>a tiny way competitors as we have done ferret breeding.  We just hate any
I also hate lies.  I really despise lies from a competitor stating
"Totally Ferret food is not good food".  That is bashing since this MF
employee could not back it up with anything else.  Hmmm...
To those of you who are sending hate mail to Heather, PLEASE STOP!  You
can disagree all you want with what she states but it is childish,
uneducated and not necessary for you to make accusations about her or her
motives.  Get a grip!  She does more for ferrets than many people I have
encountered.  Just because you disagree with what she states about MF,
that does not entitle you to belittle her or send hate mail.  Geez.
I am not at all happy (but not surprised) to find out that MF gave me
misinformation once again.  Sukie has informed me that Peter Reid is not
the owner of MF.  Another screw up from their employees.  I find it
appalling that a company that is not even capable of giving correct
information out about who works there and the title they hold (simple
info) is breeding ferrets!  YIKES!  Total incompetance.  I also plan
to ask Peter Reid (if he ever calls), if he or any of his "higher up"
associates know the Killians.  Surely, that is not "confidential"
information to them.  My curiosity is overwhelming because Zen has been
so secretive about who it is he knows.  No offense intended to him, just
curious.  When you are a business and sell to the public, just as being a
celebrity has its privacy issues, you are putting yourself in the public
eye.  For the MF family to think that this can be maintained, is pathetic.
I will expose what I can, in a legal manner, I promise!
Thank you for all the insightful information.  I promise I will not give
up on this, it is just too important to me and now that I found others
who are ready to take action, and not just gripe, I am very stoked!
[Posted in FML issue 3624]