>BTW, I think that their spaying and altering age is actually around 4
>weeks; which was the age that PV neutered three of our's, according to
>what we were told when there.  Years ago one of the ones we brought home
>from there needed that at 5 weeks and they removed her stitches as we
>watched beforehand.  Think that is also the age Triple F does.
That above is what i wrote and it's not clear at all.  What she needed was
to go to a home at 5 weeks; her neutering at PV had been the week before
according to the person there who I helped remove her stitches back then.
The farms all pretty well do all sterilizations at around the same age.
>4) I was able to get through to P---- R---'s (head of MF), assistant today
>and after speaking with her at length, she promised me that Peter would
>call me tomorrow.  I wont hold my breath.
No, he's NOT the head of the company, but he is up there.  He also is
very, very much a friend to ferrets who truly loves them and has done a
number of things to help ferrets over the years.  In addition, he's a
nice guy.
Years ago the vet, Judi Bell was working diligently to improve things for
ferrets and some folks who wanted someone to yell at picked her for a
scape-goat, either because she was accessible and would listen, or because
she could not create miracles, or because they just wanted an easy target.
They began to harass her mercilessly.  The things they did to her were
unwarranted and terribly ugly.  I know that one person who was associated
at the time with the group doing this is now very ashamed about it; some
of the others were (and are) real losers who are so cold as to never feel
shame for hurting others.  The upshot of their terrorism of her (some of
it did approach that level -- with threats, calls at all times of the wee
hours even though she could not turn off her phone in case of medical
emergency, etc.) was that as soon as she had an excuse she took it and
left.  Losing her was a terrible deprivation for the ferret community.
Please, be careful of ever repeating or even risking repeating the sort
of mistake they did.  We all can learn from what those jerks did in the
past, and we can all make sure that we don't similarly deprive the ferret
community and the ferrets ever again.
>This is all repetitive.  We have personally debunked most of the "A---
>ferret info bank" stories several times over the years it has been around.
>Like a bad penny it keeps popping up as someone new stumbles across it.
Ah, but when said individuals wrote a totally false article and then
signed MY name to it as author, which I only found out after the fact
when a third party told me of the article, and tried to pull some of the
"We're too poor to sue" nose-thumbing at me I learned that it is sometimes
possible to sue such folks to instead have them committed to doing public
service IN THE STATE WHERE THEY ARE SUED (even if they don't live there)
with their living expenses being their own obligation.  (Hopefully, that
has not changed, because it's a great way to punish such people while
having some good result.)  Then they agreed to remove my name from their
site.  Never before and never since have I considered suing anyone, but
with what they put me through I came close to suing them anyway.  It was
miserable for an extended time.
[Posted in FML issue 3624]