Picture this, Sunday morning, waking up at 8:00 AM, got to sleep in,
feeling great, going to get lots done.
A volunteer shows up to help do some scanning so I can just print the
information packets in the order that I put all the articles.  This day I
am going to get allot accomplished.
Got a call, a gentleman wants to come over to meet some of the kids, and
see who steals his heart, then next Sunday he will bring over his ferret
to see if she gets along with them.
Got one ferret room cleaned, all fresh and wonderful, new bedding, clean
hammocks, full food bowls, fresh water bottles, clean floor, scrubbed
tubes.  Ah, life is good.
Time to clean the dirty boxes so I can clean the other room, put them in
the tub, put some bleach in, and run the water, tub is half full, I hear
a fuzzie having a seizure, thinking I turned the faucet off all the way,
I grab the stuff I need, and close the bathroom door.
Working on the little girl for a while, she finally calms down.  Sigh.
She is eating duck soup.  Called Jackie to find out about the 7 that were
quarantined because of the possibility of being exposed to distemper, it
has been 60 days.  Everyone is fine, she will work out with me getting
them here next week.  Walk into the hallway, to the "office" splash,
splash, looking down on the floor, I have a river running into the office.
"Oh crap!!" I holler, and swing the bathroom door open, I forgot the one
faucet if you do not make sure it is off tight opens up again (and of
course it is the hot water), pull the plug on the tub, open the linen
closet, every towel and sheet is thrown on the floor, "Oh crap, Oh crap"
I keep saying, as I pull every piece of ferret bedding in the closet, and
every piece of dirty bedding on the floor.
As I run downstairs, I say, "Please God, don't let it have gone through
the ceiling".  Now think about it, there is so much water there is a river
in the hall, how stupid was that statement?  I look in the dinning room
and see water pouring out of the ceiling fan and lights.  The floor is
flooded.  Again, anything I can find is thrown on the floor.  As I do
this all I can think of is the fact that for Christmas last year, hubby
redid the ceiling and put tons of hard work into making it look like the
original ceiling in this century house.  He did it for me.  Crap, I just
ruined it.  I can see where the one section is going to let go.
Diane is upstairs wringing out towels and soaking up water.  I go up to
help.  She didn't even think about ruining her clothes (by the way she was
dressed very nicely), we proceed downstairs, I check the spot going to let
go, and find just wiping off the water opens the hole, so I take some of
the plaster and dry wall out so it can drain into the bucket.  We wipe up
the floor, and I look at the carpet in the living room, you can see where
the water ran into it.  You would be surprised how much dust is in the
walls, there is a spot about 4 feet that is black.  The one living room
chair was dripped on and you can see the dark stains.
Then we hear a knock on the door, the gentleman showed up, to see the
disaster.  Sigh.  But he looked past the fact I must have looked like a
physco on a rampage and met the kids.  While he was here, Casey girl went
into a mild seizure again.  So I grabbed her and Diane talked to him, I
got her calmed down, and carried her around with me.
He leaves, and Diane leaves, I am on the phone with the insurance company,
and they inform me that there is no coverage for the water damage.
Now, if that doesn't sound like the making of a country song, I don't know
what does.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
Cleveland, Ohio
Non Profit, 501 (c) (3)
PS Hubby took it all in stride.  He just smiled at me and shook his head.
He said it will be fixed by Christmas.
[Posted in FML issue 3624]