Janell & Fivel -
About talking, my guys don't talk at all unless they are playing and not
much then either.  My friend even brought over her 3 ferts to play with my
2 and no dooking noises.  A fight did happen and some screeches, when one
of her ferrets decided to move into Frank's cage and sleep in his bed.
Kind of like the 3 bears, who's been sleeping in my bed?
I wouldn't give any sort of treats due to all the medical problems ferrets
can get.
My guys get four things and that is it.  Totally Ferret, Water, Ferretone
and Vaseline for the hairballs.  They enjoy getting a treat 1x a day:
their own food out of my hand, Vaseline for hairballs 2x a week and
Ferretone for nail trimming and ear cleaning, plus sometimes I put it on
top of their food, oooo yummy they love that.  They still drive me crazy
when I am eating anything.  Poncho komokozi dives off the edge of the
couch to my back or head, ouch nails.  So I put them in the cage when we
eat, that way they don't feel deprived and we can eat in peace.
In my mind it isn't really a treat if it ends up making them ill or
killing them in the long run.
I would rather be tough with my guys about treats than have to send them
to the vet, have them take meds, have surgery or worse yet leave this
world.  So I am firm about what they eat.  Boy can those cute little eyes
make feel guilty.
I hope that helps.
Kim the Oregon one
Kim Reyes
John L. Scott Real Estate
Westside Residential Specialist
Direct:  (503) 380-4195
Fax: (503) 579-8745
Toll Free:  1-877-490-2595
Voice Mail:  (503) 245-6052 x 180
Website:  http://www.kimreyes.com
[Posted in FML issue 3623]