I just want to remind people, that on the Sunday I received the info that
over a 100 ferrets might be killed on Monday, or within days, in Utah: I
spent countless hours e-mailing whoever I could think of for help.  I
donate to more than a dozen animal organizations, and let them know I was
a member, and donated more than my yearly fees, and could they please look
into the situation immediately because...
I gave them my e-mail, phone #, address and phone #s in Utah.  On Monday,
my staff and I spent over 4 hours on long distance phone calls to these
groups trying to get someone to quickly look into this situation.
Only PETA responded quickly.  Aside from them, only the Utah Sanctuary
responded.  It was PETA that called the Utah location where the ferrets
were being stored.  And only PETA was able to get through to the woman in
charge there..
The woman in charge was not going to release the ferrets in the area, and
had no way of knowing of our existence-or belief that we were not a scam
that would just hand over all the ferrets to Jen, the collector.
It was PETA that made it clear that eyes were on what happened to those
ferrets.  It was one lovely lady from PETA that took the time to call
there nicely several times, and then contacted me throughout the day.  She
asked the questions I asked her to ask, and gave the info I asked her to
I am not going to renew my membership in the organizations that* NEVER*
E-mailed me back or returned my calls.  But I have joined PETA.  I cannot
thank them enough for breaking through to the woman in charge of storing
those ferrets in that garage.  None of my calls to her were ever returned.
Nor were the others of people of the FML that tried that Monday.  Even if
they had been-it would have meant little.
Do you remember how this woman who was storing the ferrets was going to
write to all of us on the FML?  I am sorry that I have forgotten her name
and title.  However,To the best of my knowledge-that never happened.  I
sure was watching out for that mesage.  Never saw it.
Let us face it.  What could she do with all of those ferrets-not knowing
about us?  There are some that might say that she was never going to kill
them.  I think we have to be logical, and realize that she really had no
other choice to the best of her knowledge.  I really think that PETA was
what allowed US to get in there and postpone the euthenasias of these
little ones.  We will never know for sure.  But that is my educated guess.
If you are just vehemently opposed to PETA even after what they did for us
just a few months ago-the FML archives still have much info on MF-NOT from
I am writing this because PETA is despised by some, and is certainly not
a perfect entity.  But they were not the only source of info on MF.  And
they WERE the only ones to come to the rescue of the Utah ferrets out of
over a dozen other major animal groups.
[Posted in FML issue 3623]