Sorry, I sent this yesterday but did not get the "over the size limit"
message back till I checked this morning.
[Danielle reposted in two parts which I cimbined into one.  BIG]
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: more on farms
>The only way to tackle it is to force improvements on all at once through
>improved stricter standards in keeping, treating, and shipping.<
Amen to this notion!
>Make sure first that they really are improvements.
How do you make sure there are changes?  MF wont even let someone from the
public come in and inspect everything.  I have pointed out to them that
this could be a serious advantage to them (allowing someone other than a
vet to come in and inspect) who could report back to the FML and even
write an article on their findings (someone who is well-connected in the
ferret community and well-respected...Jeanne Carley, Troy Lynn?) MF told
me that they would never go for this idea because they are concerned about
outside parties bringing in "germs".  When a hazmat suit was suggested, of
course, I recd no response back.  What about all their employees who track
germs into the premises?  Are they worried about them?  In my opinion,
MF will only allow a few people in, that they are required to allow and
that is because they know when these visits will occur and can therefore
"prepare".  If someone who has been owned by ferrets (end user) went in
and inspected, I think that person could see a little farther into what
goes on from a "ferret" perspective rather than just the usual
requirements (food, shelter, water) which are not at all the only things
to be concerned about.  Why wont MF allow it?  The only thing I can think
of is that they have something to hide.  If they didn't, and they are as
good as they claim, what is the harm in allowing a "reporter" in?  It
would be a smart PR move (provided they are as good as they claim).  Why
not?  Makes you wonder doesn't it?
>You'll find a note from a vet in past posts that the techs at some of
>these places do better spays and alters than some vets due to all of their
Is this note as outdated as all the other online reports?  My vet
disagrees with this considering how many botched MF spays/alters he has
seen.  MF would tell you that it is a matter of "percentages" and that is
all that they go by (yes, I was told this) and I was also told that the
reason there appears to be more adrenal cancer and lymphoma with MF
ferrets is because there are more MF ferrets out there.  So what do you
tell someone like me, who has seen 80% of MF ferrets she has fostered,
rescued or adopted with health problems by the age of three?  Is it just
that I have been someone who manages to end up with all the MF ferrets
who have terminal illnesses?  I doubt it.
>Just a quick note: We've had ferrets in the family for going on 20 years
>in June 2202.  They have been from a range of sources.  The MFs here have
>NOT differed in health or longevity from the general pack.  What HAVE
>differed poorly in health and longevity here have been some certain
>fancies such as blazes.  That is source independent.
That is wonderful, I wish I were so lucky.  I have not had that
experience.  None of the ferrets I have taken in have been blazes or
"fancy" colors.  As I have stated MANY times, my first ferret from eleven
years ago was a MF and lived till the age of seven.  I thought MF was a
good breeder then, but in the past five years, I have changed that
opinion.  I feel they are too big to breed as carefully as they claim to.
If they could ever show or prove to me that they use the tracking and
"elaborate" computer system they claim, I might change my tune.  This is
why they should allow someone in the ferret community to check out their
operation.  It could change some opinions for the positive (including
mine) if what they claim is true.
>There have been some improvements made at MF through the years.  Vet, Judi
>Bell, got some done, and a club up near them got more.  The approach used
>in each case was a friendly and business-like one rather than one of
>butting heads or yelling.
I agree wholeheartedly.  Butting heads and yelling or swearing will
accomplish nothing.  My inquiries, questions and feedback have all been
civil and business-like.  Do they upset me when they don't respond (BTW-I
have NEVER recd a response in 24 hours to anything, probably because
customer service doesn't know enough about MF or ferrets to answer, hence
having to do research to reply).  If you email customer service about
something that is beyond their comprehension, you will probably be
ignored.  That is how MF has responded to all my questions via email.
Even when I call the "higher-ups", their answers are vague or ridiculous
(see archives).  It might even be that they don't want to respond in
writing because they could be setting themselves up for legal hassles
(lying about stuff).  I have no idea, just guessing.
To anyone else who has had the great experiences with MF ferrets, I am
very happy!  I have not had the same luck.  I wish I could claim different
but I have to go with basing it on my experiences (both with MF directly
and dealing with MF ferrets).
I have given MF PLENTY of opportunities to answer my questions and I have
given them the opportunity to show me that they are as good as they claim.
They have not followed through on any of it, so what am I supposed to
think?  Other businesses who can actually back up what they claim, have no
problems answering inquiries or allowing customers to take a look at the
"behind the scenes" goings on.  These are the businesses I have faith in.
However, I will continue to try and change what I have seen with MF by
continually asking questions (probably go unanswered) and trying to find
ways to educate them.  Shutting them down will accomplish little because
there are others who would step up "production".  Lobbying to change
regulations and how they handle ferrets is what needs to happen.  Sukie is
right on this!  Too many other farms are doing similar things.  I figure,
start with the biggest and others will see what transpires and hopefully
will also change for fear of a bad reputation resulting in lost profits
or worse.
Thank you Sukie, for another excellent, well thought-out post.
[Posted in FML issue 3618]