After getting home from Bible Study, I got the guys a snack, and put them
in bed.  Almost ready for sleep, but still craving ferrety fun without
the poopies---
I turned to my favorite web site: The
I love your new movies and could actually feel like you were my long lost
twin as I read Chronicle 9.  Great writing.  That Bear had MY throat in my
mouth.  And Raven did the same thing that Tiger did to my sister.  I STILL
burst out laughing while I am driving over that episode.
I did not have enough hours to explore everything new.  But you guys are
better than any high I could imagine.  Your ferret challenge was one I
feel strongly about, and totally agree with.
What a way to end the old year.  Thank you guys for the knowledge you
share, and the fun you bring, and for your financial support of the
shelters on the FML.  And thank you for your financial support of Ma-we-ah
when she needed surgery.
Great new site.  I can truly suck in your love of ferrets and blissfully
go to bed on ferret high.
[Posted in FML issue 3648]