Happy New Year to all the FML'ers!
Warning, Warning.....this is a FML Warning.
To recent subscribers and new moms and dads, listen up here!
I have been reading and occasionally posting for about a year and a half
and I felt with the dawning of a new year I must warn you what happens
when you subscribe to this LIST!
First you may just lurk a while, then you start to see familiar names,
next thing you realize you have an extended family of fuzzbutts but it
gets worse!  Hoomans start to infiltrate your heart throught the ferret
I can't begin to tell you (in limited space) about the vast amount of
information I've gained from this list about health (FHL which sprang
from here) food, games, treats and everyday hazards.
Now this is a "good thing" but what they don't tell you when you start
innocently subscribing to this list is pretty soon whether you are ready
or not you gain a bunch of friends that become 'your family!'
Just want you to be aware, be very aware.  There are also hoomans on
this list that you would like to grab by the ear and put in YOUR hidey
You see them posting all the time, they make you laugh, they make you
cry, they raise your awareness.
Once in awhile, when you are new to the list you post a question and for
some reason a few (hmmm, how do I put this politely???) damn
know-it-alls jump all over you.  Happened to my first question and I am
aware it recently happened to someone new...BUT, I am stubborn and just
hung in and now reap the rewards of friendship and love (See, I am not
mushy!! now they got me say love stuff!)
The experienced, "Old Timer's" (giggle) never make you feel bad, will
answer questions no matter HOW often they've been asked the same thing
and our shining Knight, (Night??) BIG will often suggest informative
Yes you are a Shining Knight BIG.  You're track record proves it!  And
when I ramble on about "bat houses" or Batty people..who knows and send
it to the wrong place??? who sends me a little note asking me if I AM
the crazy one or is HE the crazy one????  LOL
So may this New Year bring peace, happiness and wonderful fuzzbutt
kisses to your house and be on the look out for FML'ers that just might
grab you by the ear and take you to our hidey hole!
Toby, The Kouri Klub Kanadian Rep
[Posted in FML issue 3647]