Dear Fmlers,
I have never posted on here before, but I saw 4 ferrets at Planet Pet in
Bedford, Tx.  They have a big sign on there cage that says "We Bite"
Well 3 out of the 4 are Deaf.  They have been there for 6 months.  I
talked to the girl there & she will not even have anything to do with
them, because they bite.  Can anyone help rescue these precious boys?
They also had a lady bring in a little girl that was found & now they
have her for sale.  She is in a cage about the size of a 10 gallon
aquarium.  She has to be a least 2 yrs old.  If anyone needs more info
please e-mail me at [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance,
[Posted in FML issue 3646]