>O.K.  Corona's causing another problem.  I bought her some FerretLax to
>cut down on hairballs.  I tried to give her some straight from the tube,
>like I've heard you can do, and she won't eat it.  How else can I give it
>to her?
>Kelly and Corona
Kelly, When I got Katie (our newest), she wouldn't take ferretone.  I
thought to myself, what ferret doesn't like ferrotone?  She would just
scrunch up her nose and turn her head away.  Finally, I scruffed her and
put a dab on her tongue when she yawned.  She can't get enough of it now! :)
My guess is, Corona doesn't know what she is missing out on.  Try putting
some on her tongue and see if she likes it then.
ICQ: 20170198
AOL IM: Dhampire73
~~~~~Douglas Adams:
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
"Do not meddle in the affairs Dragons, for thou art CRUNCHY and taste good
with KETCHUP!"
[Posted in FML issue 3645]