No question to me is retarded, so no worries there!  As far as your four
year old nephew, on rule I have with any child that holds a ferret is that
they have to be sitting on the floor.  This way if the ferrets falls, or
is dropped, its not a problem.  Even my Sean whom was nine I had him on
the floor for months until he was used to it.  For a child that doesn't
live with them its longer for me.  And each child is different.  I've had
very young children that seem to be more skilled and natural at it.  I've
had other children that I don't trust to stand and hold a ferret ever
without sitting no matter what their age or experience be.
I think many people hold ferrets differently.  That is due to
personalities of the ferret and person.  What like to do is hold the
ferret close to my body, and have one hand under the chest area with the
legs between my fingers, and the other hand supporting the bottom of the
ferret.  Some I hold vertically...some horizontally.  None seem to like
being on their backs... at least not when they are so young (they wiggle
and pop up).  But you have to just take your time with your ferret on the
floor, and get used to how you feel good holding them.  I mean I one
ferret that loves being held like a baby over my shoulder.  And I have an
unusual ferret that does like being on his back like a baby somewhat.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3645]