Hi all,
just wanted to drop a line stating a few things.
1-I met someone from the FML in need of a fert sitter for the week of
xmas.  Well, we met last night and her Spaz is here with me and my 9 other
fuzzies.  Things are going well.  Point is when I met her (Karen and her
husband) from CT, they are such nice people.  Again-point being that I've
noticed that Ferret lovers happen to be very nice people.  Judging from
the stories on the FML.  Ive read such kind, considerate, generous stories
of humanity its refreshing.  Unfortunately there are some sad stories
which I really hate to read about.
IM unemployed right now but I read the story about a shelter in Las Vegas,
Angel Ferret, and even though I'm broke I'm going to send 10.00 along with
a xmas card for Cosmo-the sick ferret.
I love ALL Ferrets and I wish I could do more.  However, IM having
difficulties myself.  No job, no money, rent, car payment, credit card
bills, etc.,,,,,,, and with the holidays here its extra difficult.  But
I just wanted to say if we all could afford, 5.00, 10.00 to donate to
someone in need of care for a sick fuzzy, if we ALL help with a little
bit of money it can really add up.  So if you can sacrifice a couple of
dollars, give up a cup of coffee and a snack, that can help a fuzzy in
need, isn't it worth it?
I believe in the good in people.  Sometimes I get hurt believing this.
For example, Eppy, lost in Wisconsin.  The CRUELTY of some children kills
me.  I got a knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes when I read Donnas
post.  Donna- I cannot imagine the pain your going through.  I shutter to
think of myself in your shoes.  Lord, I pray for Eppy.  May he be safe
and free from fear.  IM not a religious person, however, on occasion Ive
be known to pray.  I have prayed for Eppy, and you Donna.
I just wanted to say that I see a pattern of kindness in people whom are
owned by ferrets.  I will never be without the fuzzies.  They have reached
a place in my heart that I didn't even think was obtainable.  They bring
so much joy to my life, I couldn't imagine my life without them, and how
empty it would be.
I want to thank ALL the fuzzies in the world for bringing joy, happiness
and love into society.  I always try to educate people that I come across
about ferrets and how WONDERFUL they are.
IM so sorry for rambling on.  I just wanted to say how happy they make me
and how sorry I am for all the sick fuzzies out there and their families
that a suffering.  I'll do whatever I can to help out.
Thanks for listening,,,,,,
Kelly & Sukka, Mikey, Rockie, Teddy, Lucky, Bandit, Rubie, Peanut, Sandie,
and my visitor for the holidays, Spaz. :)
[Posted in FML issue 3637]