Dear FML'ers;
Sorry the first post went out.  My BF sent it thinking he was doing
something for me.  I really do appreciate the thoughtfulness.
Now to finish the story.  The other little girl is still here with me.
I will not let her go for a while.  She is showing signs of stress from
(1)not being fed properly(2)the upheaval of coming to a new home(3)losing
her litter-mate, and not being able to say goodby.
One of the many reasons that I feel bad about losing the other little girl
is because I had not given her a proper name.  I was just calling the
little girls sweetie-pie 1 and sweetie-pie 2.  I feel that I should have
at least given her the dignity of having a proper name.  Even though she
was only here a few days, she was very loved.  I hope that I was able to
convey that to her.  She was such a little bit of a ferret.
Any way I given the other little girl a name.  Her name from now on is
going to be HOPE!  I hope for only a wonderful life for her and alot of
love.  Now that she is cleaned up, she is a very pretty girl.  She is a
chocolate with mitts on the back feet and socks on the front feet.  She
is rather small.  She weighs in at 1 pound.  Her fur is baby soft.  She
likes to be held and cuddled.  I have an appointment to take her to the
vet on Friday.  She will get her updated shots at that time.
I relayed this story not to make everyone sad, but to let everyone know
that there is a kind of hope for our little fuzziy friends.  Just think,
another little one will have a warm and happy Christmas this year.
By the way, I will keep Hope for a while to sort of stabilize her little
life, but someone, I know, would like to give her a forever home.
Thanks for listening,
You folks are the greatest,
[Posted in FML issue 3637]