[Sukie note: One poster had a ferret in the past with all of the signs of
a serious blockage.  The treating vet did not recognize how rarely items
causing blockages in ferrets show up on x-ray, so discounted that option.
Then the ferret developed seizures and irregular heartbeat.  Another
poster asked if the toxins that build up with blockages can cause these
results.  Here are the posts by Dr. Ruth Heller which explain the
situation.] You will be happy to know that even though an untreated severe
blockage is almost invariably fatal this ferret showed why the "almost" is
there by beating the odds and surviving -- kind of like winning a major
lottery.  Hopefully, the seizures and heatbeat problem did not cause any
damage in turn.]
>I had been concerned that mayhaps he had a blockage (considering the
>state of his feces) but the x-rays did not show that.  What they DID
>show though that his esophegus, stomach, intestinal tract etc was
>completely filled with air.  Also, his stomach was HUGE - a good 4
>times larger than normal - and completely filled with air.  The vet
>was saying that no wonder he was not eating/drinking/using the toilet
My immediate reaction to this is that he likely had a blockage.  Many
objects forming blockages will not show up on xrays, and we diagnose
blockages often based on abnormal gas patterns in the gastrointestinal
tract.  If so, you are extremely lucky.  His symptoms to me do not sound
like those of distemper, and hopefully at this time you will continue to
see improvement.
Dr. Ruth
Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.
[Second RH post]
>I know that a vet once told me that with untreated blockages sometimes
>toxins can build up: I do not know if these can result in seizures or
>irregular heartbeat.
Yes, they absolutely can.
Dr. Ruth
Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.
[Posted in FML issue 3636]