I have gone back to work, i guess i am stronger than i thought i was, it
is a few more days on a paycheck, when you are working commission, and
this is the best time of year for our department, i need to make what i
can, and then roll with the punches?  I think i surprised a few people
there too.  Especially the manager of the store.  ( She seemed,
disappointed?)  Some of the girls seemed like they couldn't be nice
enough, but just doing my work and staying clear, if they want to give
me the sniff test, they will have to work @ it.  I have till dec 4th
so...who knows which way the wind blows...
Eppy?  I have heard from a girl who's sister had ferrets, that she was
walking her dog, a few wks (?) ago?  Time frame in a crisis situation may
sometimes become uncertain, but she said she saw a little animal in the
street, @ the curb..passed, by the time we heard the news, the street
sweeper had gone through, so.  No body, no proof, that it was Eppy...the
first sighting said he was east of here, this was west of home, so...i
will continue my search for my lost boy.  I am not sure if all these
trials are a test of my faith, or my endurance?  OR maybe both?  I don't
want to even think that mabey my Eppy has been swept up, like dust and
disposed of, so i cannot focus on that, but to pass fliers out in that
area, to try to elicit some response from folks living there to back up
this story.  Todays project, probably.
i am still looking for Eppy, though...still going to place fliers door to
door.  Someone somewhere has had to have seen him.  For his sake, i just
hope that someone has taken my little lost boy under their wing and care.
Still...loving you Eppy....
Mommy in Wisconsin
[Posted in FML issue 3620]