I don't think I've posted to this list in over 2 years, but I do avidly
read every issue that finds it's way to my inbox.  I live alone, in a new
city and don't know anyone here with whom to share this... I've already
cries my eyes out to the shelter over the phone, but you'll have to excuse
me when I use this forum as a form of therapy also.
I had to put down my little Suki today.  She was a foster that I had
from the shelter.  She was 8 when I got her, and because of her age was
not taken for surgery for an obvious adreanal tumor.  Unfortuanetly the
shelter had to make a hard decision over an older ferret or younger
ferrets that would be more readily adopted, and I just didn't have the
money in my own pocket.  I can't tell you how aweful that makes me feel.
I had her 2 years.  Even without much hair, she'd come out and play,
attacking ankles, chasing toys and defending me from the vaccum.  The
last two days saw her get so weak she couldn't lift her head.  She didn't
want to eat, she would drink only when coaxed.  I've known for the last
two years that this would happen.
When I got her I didn't think that I'd have her more than 6 months.  These
last 1 and a half years have been a blessing.  She was by no means the
prettiest ferret.  Not even cute.  But I'm going to miss her big ears,
oversized nose and mottled coat when I go past her cage.  Her cagemates
miss her.  And I know It's only a matter of time before her buddy Lars
goes to join her.  I've had ferrets half my life.  And I've lost many.
But, It never helps the pain just after I loose another.
Thanks for letting me vent.  I really appreciate it.
Dawn,  Lars and Isabeau
I think - therefore I'm single.
 -Lizz Winstead-
[Posted in FML issue 3635]