Listen up all you fellow ferrets!  The holidays are fast approaching.  It
is time to revolt!  Do you know why?  Of course not, so let me tell you.
My name is Bonnye and the big lunk over there holding down are so-called
"loving mother" ...get her Clyde...don't let her see me at the 'puter...
look cute or something...
Anyways, our so-called "mother" did the most horrendous thing today.  She
baked.  Yes.  Baked.  Cookies.  Lots of them.  She says we don't get
anything cause of insumlomia...sugar...bad for ferrets...something like
that.  She says she will be doing lots more.  This is the kicker..  SHE
And she won't let us eat them in the cookies.  She says that lots of
cookies get baked during these holidays.  So, fellow ferrets...RISE UP!!
Take your raisins and hide them!  Don''t let you humans use them!  They
don't share!  Quick, out of those cages into the cupboards.  Stash them
in ferret land!
OK.  You got the raisins?  Take the papaya, too.  And the ferretone.  You
never know what those stupid humans may use to make cookies.
If anyone has any extra, will you send me some?  Label it Bonnye, not to
Clyde.  He's a boy and takes mine.
If you are a human and reading this.  Forget what it says.  Go let your
ferrets out and then leave the room.  We will behave.  Promise.  If you
have any raisins, you can send them to me.  You are a nice human.
Bonnye (and Clyde who is sitting on our Human, Gail)
[Posted in FML issue 3597]