Good Morning Everyone,
Not really sure about how my note came across about MF ferrets since I
have two of them.  Danielle wrote asking me some good questions and I
respect her decision to email me since it did make me aware that some
people may get the wrong idea that I agree with Marshall's practices.  I
do not now or never will agree with what I have heard they do but I did
not know this when I got my babies and only found out later.  I took all
information in to account and needed to move on past the being scared of
what may be to come.  Please forgive me if I overstepped my bounds here
with speaking about MF from my end of the scale.  I am a newbie owner and
thanks to a knowledgeable staff where we got our babies they helped us
alot.  I know that there are lots of MF ferrets in other stores that are
not taken care of this well, sit for months and the new owners may even
not know a thing about ferrets.  All I wanted to say was no matter what
these little guys came into our lives for a reason and I will do
everything in my power to love them even if MF has bad practices.  I
would think twice about getting another MF but if one called out to me
I know I would do it again.  Thank you though for bringing this to my
attention that it looked as though I agree with what they do.
Love & hugs
[Posted in FML issue 3609]