>From: Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
>Ok I dont' get it.  Animal planet has that show "funniest animal videos"
>on all the time right?  But do you see a ferret?  EVER?  NO.
Actually, I have.  And to be honest, I was pretty disgusted by what I saw.
I've seen three segments with ferrets in them.  One just showed a few
stealing and stashing.  It was cute.  The others (on different episodes)
were horrible.  One was a ferret falling into a toilet bowl.  He managed
to get himself out, but I think that was a completely stupid thing to put
on TV.  That segment + uneducated people..well, you probably see where
that one could go.  The other one I posted about a while ago.  It was just
a video of people attempting to get three or four fuzzies into a picnic
basket.  That in itself was adorable, (of course, one went in, at least
one jumped back out) but the song they dubbed to it was just nasty.  The
idea (it was an "Animail" segment) was that someone wanted to see a game
that used live animals in it.  They used this video and dubbed a song
about wearing gloves so they don't rip your flesh and things like that.
The commentary from the "spokesperson" on the game, at the end, mentioned
that the use of "live, disease-ridden animals" was forbidden (or something
really close to that...I'm quoting from memory) and to make sure you were
up-to-date on your Tetanus boosters.  Yes, I'd LOVE to see ferts on TV,
but because of what I've already seen on that show, I refuse to watch it
anymore.  Just wanted to let everyone know!  Much fuzzy love to all.
Lolli and the Mini-Zoo (who would like a website...anyone care to help on
that one?)
[Posted in FML issue 3608]