Hey everybody...
Wanted to tell you about the three new babies I got today!  3 males,
Boomer (a silver blaze) Mischeif (a black sable) and Angel (a sable mitt).
They were all Utah kids.  Julie Fossa of West Central Ohio Ferret Shelter
dropped them off to my mother today.  (I had job interviews an missed her)
After meeting with Julie, my mother brought them to me to see and we took
them home.  They are the sweetest little ferts ever!!!  (And a big big
thanks to Julie!!!) They didn't have any trouble when we got them
home..they stuck their nose in everything, tails all puffed up.  Max, my
"main man" decided he'd show his tail and go after Boomer.  Then he
decided to go after Mischief.  After a bit of bitter apple, that was the
end of that.  Ginger (my oldest fert) tagged along after angel EVERYWHERE.
He didn't seem to mind any.  They were out exploring all together for
about an hour and 45 minutes.  Then they got to go into the cage and take
a nap.  They had so much to do and see that they each found a hammock or
bed right away and went to sleep.  They're still snoozing now (They had a
long trip today) and everyone is getting along really well.  Even Max
curled up with Boomer in a sleepy cube.
-Sarah, Ginger, Max, Moritz, Roeh, Boomer, Mischief, and Angel
[Posted in FML issue 3608]