I was very worried about introducing Pandora to the dogs when I first got
her.  Almost every dog I have ever owned had the kill the small furry
thing instinct.  Bark(lab/coonhound/pit)went right for the cage teeth
bared and snarling.  No matter how much I tried to get his attention with
treats or toys, he just wanted at the ferret.  Now Butch(you name the
breed he had it)was just the opposite.  He sniffed at the cage then went
and laid down.  When I took Pandora out to let them meet face to face he
gave her a sniff and then ignored her even when she would chase his tail.
He became my ferret finder.  When they were loose and I would lose track
of them I would ask Butch to find them and he never let me down.  My SO's
family rott is scared stiff of them.  So it really just depends on the
dog's personality.  I would personally chose something with a laid back
attitude.  I'm not real fond of hyper dogs anyway.
[Posted in FML issue 3608]