Hello fellow fuzzbutts;
Im a new to the ferret frenzy world.  I started last Dec with 1 fuzz and
now I have 9!  Yes NINE!!  Its crazy, I know however, I found my calling.
I'm 32, live alone and they truley complete me. :)  I have a lite, med,
and dark silver.  An albino and a sable mitt, a cinn mitt, a sable with
ruby eyes and a regular sable.  Well they are my pride and joy.  I just
wanted to say hello and its great to see so many other ferret lovers out
there.  I subscribe to Ferrets USA and another Ferret mag.  They are the
greatest ever.  I also want to say that I cannot imagine the pain and
sorrow of losing one of my extended family here.  Everytime I hear of a
loss my heart goes out to you, each and every one.  Ferrets are my
weakness and I couldnt imagine being without my babies!
Thank you all very much!
PS: if theres anyone out there that wishes to contact me Re: Ferret info
or just exchange Ferret stories, plz contact me @ [log in to unmask]
Thanks again.
[Posted in FML issue 3606]