Hi all
I am sorry but I took da weekend off from da computer so I didn't send
out messages all weekend.  So here I am trying to catch up.
A little girl named Littleone came in today.  I gave her da tour of da
place and showed her all da sights and attractions.  After da tour she
headed over to da Fruit bar for a snack.  Then she headed over to try out
her new wings.  I assign ed her an instructor and she waz soon soaring
away.  She had all da flying stuff down but she didn't do real well on
da lasndings although she waz better at it than some.  She landed on her
nose several times.  I hate it when dat happens and it must have hurt
real bad but she didn't suffer any permenant damage.  She will need a
little practice at it before she get it though and she said she will b e
great by da time mommy gets here.  She vowed to get better.  She said to
send lots of luv and kisses to her mommy.
Another little girl named Honey came in later.  She waz met by Farli.  As
they didn't know each other I introduced them.  They seemed to hit it off
right away.  Then it waz gossip time and Farli wanted to know all about
home and all da news and gossip.  They sat and talked for some time
about many things.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights and
attractions here.  Then they headed off to da Gravy Gourmet to grab a bite
to eat there.  They lapped up gravy for some time and seemed to eat a lot.
Then it was off to get dessert at da Ferretone Flood.  They lapped up a
lot of dat too.  I think they both had hollow paws or something.  They
weren't up to da surfing though.  She said to tell her mommy dat things
happen and when it is time it is time.  She said to send her luv and lots
of hugs and kisses to her mommy.
A little guy came in named Tiny.  He waz met by Clyde who greeted him
warmly.  T hen they sat down to gossip and get caught up on all da news
and gossip at home.  They talked for a very long time,.  They had to take
a break several times to go over to da Fruit Bar to get a snack and
refortify.  After dat it waz time to look around and see all da sights and
attractions.  They then headed over to Dirt Mountain where they said they
were going to do some serious digging and maybe find da legendary china
everyone waz talking about, Hey don't laugh it could ha ppen.  They dug
for some time and didn't seem to have any particular design in mind.  They
did dig quite a deep tunnel down though but didn't find china but they
vowed to keep looking.  They seemed to have a lot of fun looking.  He
said to send lots of hugs and cuddles to hiz mommy.
I am off to take a nap.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3606]