Sorry I can t help you Kara, but since I m going at the moment through
the same worries as you (first time for me), I thought I d write pretty
quickly as well!
All 3 fuzzies here are starting to gain the normal winter-extra-weight,
which normally doesn t worry me since I some fuzzies can gain huge
percentages of their weight at this time then lose again in the summer.
But I m starting to worry about the baby Salma!  She s not even 5 months
old and she s been growing a lot (she s already pretty big in my opinion
especially compared to Leeloo who is just tiny).
The sizes (not tails included):
Leeloo :  11" (30 cm), weighting  1.322 lb (0.6 kg)
Logan:  16" (41 cm), weighting  2,425 lb (1.1 kg)
Salma:  15" (39 cm), weighting  2,425 lb (1.1 kg)!!!!!!!
Yes, she s a female kit one third of Logan s age (who s full grown) and is
as we speak not only almost as long as he is but she is AS HEAVY as him!
Salma also seems to eat twice as much as Logan and Leeloo!  Especially
during meat time, she loves meat and eats and eats for the longest time,
and after I stop giving it to her she goes through Logan and Leeloo s
hiding places and steals whatever they might have hidden, then comes back
and hangs around in the kitchen area waiting for more.  Her belly s all
round like I ve never seen on a fuzzy (not dropping to the ground yet but
feels so big when I pick her up!).  A ferret-human friend of mine told me
one of her "boys" went through the same during his first winter with her
(when he was a kit about Salma s age), he got huge then lost all the extra
weight and on all following winters only gains a little bit.
So I m hoping with Salma will be the same or do I have reason to worry?!!
I get afraid that she gains even more weight (winter hasn t even started!)
or gets stuck on this shape forever which can t be healthy for her!  She
is though the most active of them 3, sleeps half the time as they do and
only wants to play play play!  She does store the food when she s filled
up, but it takes much longer for her to seem full (compared to the
others), still, I ve been giving her a lot of meat and bone stuff cause
I hear is real good for them while they grow.
 -----> Can anyone tell me if I should stop giving her the meat when the
other two are full?  (so she d be getting only a little bit more then them
she eats much faster too) Or like Kara said, should them chubby ones be on
some sort of diet?!!  Oh, and do fuzzies seem fat if for example they get
a blockage?  I don t think she has one (no symptoms) but she s a kit and
loves chewing on things.
Other than the chubby belly and looking so big Salma is doing great, so
much energy that after hours of playing I m the one who s dead on the
floor (together with Logan and Leeloo who can t play long enough with her
either).  Poop, fur, everything s alright too.
Thanks so much for any info or ideas!!!  I m really starting to get
Hugs and dooks to everyone (and wishing the sick fuzzies are getting
Chris, Logan, Leeloo and Salma (if you wanna see how chubby I am, look
LOL--its a joke!  But you can compare my size with Logan's here:
click on the picture you wanna see to enlarge, hope you like us!)
/-0 0-\
[Posted in FML issue 3604]