I haven't written in a while, but wanted to take a moment to share a funny
little story of mine.
I went to Pennsylvania to visit family and friends I haven't seen in a
while.  My mother and my boyfriend went with me.  My mother visited a
friend who had been saving some boxes of hers in a shed for about 5-6
years.  I asked my mother if she had looked in the boxes.  The response
was "Yes, they are my boxes and I recognize the stuff".
To make the story short and not bore you, when we returned home, I
received a call from my mother the following day to state that she had
found a mouse in the house that had come out of one of the boxes ....
the same boxes that I had in my truck for the entire 5 hour ride home!
The following day, I go to jump in the truck to go to the pharmacy and
pick up prescriptions and what has now jumped up on the door handle and is
running around in the truck ... my very own mouse!  Some neighbors removed
it (gently).  Fearing that there could be more of those fuzzies (not to be
confused with the sweet little fuzzies I adore and love), I got my two big
guys and brought them out and turned them lose in the truck with orders to
"get the mouse!".  They ran, played, turned the truck upside down before
they paused and looked back at me with the cutest little expression of
"Hey Mom, what's a mouse?" Great mousers I've got huh?
No mouse, truck safe, boys had fun, I feel better and all of us are safe
from the little mouses!
Lynn (Harley, Sneekers, Jake, Teddy and Fibi)
[Posted in FML issue 3603]