A treat that I highly recommend to all ferret owners is a cat tartar
control treat.  We see distinct differences in the dental condition of
ferrets that eat tartar control treats versus those that prefer "soft"
With ANY thing a ferret eats, consider the content.  Some ferrets are
sensitive to corn gluten meal, some experience stomach upsets with high
corn content treats (cereals, etc.) Chocolate (especially "dark"
chocolates) can be toxic.  Always observe poops after introducing a new
Ferrets can NOT digest protein or fat from fruits, vegetables or grains .
Ferrets do NOT need "fiber".  All they get from it is the taste.  That's
why Ensure (and ALL similar products) is not suitable for sick ferrets, it
doesn't have any protein in it.  (Soy protein is a vegetable...
undigestible protein, wasted space in the stomach you're struggling to
get even small amounts of food to.) Ferret anatomy does not have the
caecum... the midpoint in the intestines of dogs, cats, & humans where
fruits & vegetables are broken down by the "good" bacteria to be
metabolized into nutrients.  (Which is also why acidophilus & yogurt are
useless... no caecum to work in.)
Chicken or turkey baby food is a nutritious treat.  Applesauce is a treat
they love... but it contains no nutrition for ferrets.  A ferret that's
eating a good quality food is not going to be nutritionally harmed by
treats (even if we slip up and allow them to make a meal, every now &
then, on a favorite treat.) (I have as yet to ever see a "perfect" ferret
owner, self included.)
Dangerous treats are a different matter entirely.  Chuncks of fresh OR
dried vegetables and fruits can cause NOT ONLY BLOCKAGES but RESTRICTIONS.
A slow-to-breakdown banana chip that's too large to pass easily can rub
an ulcer on the stomach or intestinal lining.  Helicobacter is a bacteria
present in the digestive tract of all ferrets, young and old.  Younger
ferrets are not as dangerously affected as older ferrets in this case.
But in older ferrets, helicobacter can more easily take advantage of an
ulcer to aggravate it into a life threatening case of chronic ulcers...
even though no actual blockage ever occurred... just a temporary
restriction, a slow moving piece of apple or carrot or banana chip....
even raisins.
Any fruit/vegetable chunk larger than 1/8" x 1/8" is a potential danger.
When a label says "ferret... " it means the company expects to make money
from ferret owners... NOT that the product was specifically designed with
full knowledge of ferret nutrition and anatomy in mind.
Pay attention to the facts... not the advertising... or what "John Smith
on the FML" says is ok.  "John Smith" may never have had a ferret allergic
to corn gluten meal, a ferret with insulinoma, or a ferret over 5 years
old, so what he's treating/feeding HIS ferrets with may be DEADLY to
Get the facts.
Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home
[Posted in FML issue 3602]