Eliza wrote:
>If anyone would like to share tips on obtaining a urine sample at a home,
>I'm sure the entire FML could benefit from hearing it.
Here is how I did it...
First, my vet gave me a syringe with a needle.
At home I took a cardboard box about the size of a small litter box but
only about an inch tall, and ripped off one side so it was 3-sided.  I
then lined it with saran wrap.
When I saw that Merlin was about to back up into a corner I quickly placed
the box under him so that he peed in the box on the saran wrap.  I then
quickly drew up the urine in the syringe and put it in a bottle.  The key
here is speed, and also not setting up the box until he is ready to go.
Obviously, this won't be sterile, but it will get you a clean sample
fairly easily.
There seem to be several people asking about possible urinary blockages
recently.  This can definitely be related to adrenal disease and it can
turn life-threatening fairly quickly.  From personal experience, I
strongly urge people to seek veterinary help *as soon as* you see any
signs of straining to urinate, running from corner to corner, litterbox
to litterbox etc.
Ronnie (Framingham)
[Posted in FML issue 3601]