Hi there,
To the person who posted about what to expect during the life time of
owning a ferret good for you!  People need to know the truth about owning
ferrets.  The cheapest thing about them is the cost to you when to get
After owning ferrets for more that 6 years, I have had my share of adrenal
surgeries.  I have 1 ferret that has had both adrenal removed.  Over the
years I have had 6 adrenals surgeries done on personal ferrets and help
pay for 5 others to have adrenal surgery done.
One also had to have butt surgery, don't laugh she was miserable when she
came to me!!  Truth of the matter is that they are wonderful pets/babies/
and fur kids.
But you need to save money for them for later in their life.  I just got
2 more ferrets this summer, so that tells me in my mind that their will
be at least 2 adrenal surgeries in the near future.  I had ferrets for
2.5 years and no one was sick at all then it hit, bing,bang ,boom!!
So please think about this before you get a ferret or more ferrets.  I
have one sick with Ulcers, I have to feed her every 4-5 hours this also
puts restrictions on your every day life.
Take care and think about
their long term care!!
Kerry and Ada Gibbs     (weaselpals)
Visit Weaselpals Hammocks and Sleepers at:
[Posted in FML issue 3601]