I want to share with you, the moment that I almost lost my baby boy over
an issue of $50.
My ferret, Peuter, has been dealing with a urinary track infection about
twice a year for about 3 year now, but it was only about 2 years ago that
we figured out what it was.
The usual lethargic response was no longer fixed by my friends herbal
remedies as in the past and silly me thought he had a small blockage.  I
almost didn't get him to the vet in time.
For almost a week, he went to the vet every day for saline injections -
amount 150 ml under the skin at a time.  Every 1 hour (including in the
middle of the night) he was force feed 3 ml of pedialite and antibiotics.
Peuter is now 6 years old and the last time he was sick, his temp rose
from normal to 103 in less than 6 hours and if he hadn't of recieved
immediate vet care, it would have been to late.  I was going to wait till
morning to save the emergency expense (that extra $50), but my partner
insisted I reconsider.  I'm glad I did.
I know that money and time is tight for most of us so it's tough when to
make that vet decision.  I really appreciate every one on the FML that
responds when we have questions about the health of our little ones.
I suppose what I'm saying is that sometimes those few extra hours of
waiting can cost you more money and heartache then it would have earlier.
Maybe someone on the list will respond with some information you and your
vet can use.  In the meantime, for the love of your little one(s); If you
can spare abit on the credit card or other, please go to the vet - atleast
for a temperature check up or to combat the dehydration.
Peuter, Sadie and I wish you and your little ones all the best.
If your little one does travel over the Rainbow Bridge, please give
him/her a kiss for us and he/she won't be alone.  Algonkwin died of
leukemia at 18 months old and Ginger of adrenal at 4 years.  I like to
believe that they are waiting for your little one on the other side as I
miss them dearly.
Pam, Peuter & Sadie
[Posted in FML issue 3600]