First  a huge thank you to all the wonderful Santa's this year!
Most of the kids on Pages 2, 3 and 4 still need Santa's.  The kids that
still need santa's on Page 1 from what I understand is Woozelette, Panda,
Rex, Little Bear, Disney and Boomer.
All together there are 72 kids on the tree.  And I'm sure there are more
in my email box waiting to go on it's ever growing.
Those that are confused as to how to become a Santa-Just click on the
snowflakes with the ferrets name and/or pics on them to find out there
story.  There is also contact info there of the shelter that this baby is
staying with.  You simply contact that shelter and let them know that you
would like be that babies Santa this year.  From there it's up to you as
to what you would like to give to the baby-most ferts let you know what
some of their favorite things are.  If you still have any questions, just
email me.
The hope of the Giving Tree is to give some special kids a gift they would
not normally get for though shelter parents do their best by the kids,
sometimes it's tough just to put a roof over their head, food in their
mouths and keep them medically treated.  So extra things-such as treats,
toys and special sleep stuff are things these guys might not otherwise
receive without the kindness of their Santa's.
Happy Holidays!
The Ferret Giving Tree
Friends of Fuzzies Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3589]