So sorry for your loss of Bear.  Chance and I have the same problem.  Some
people just can't keep their dogs restrained or dogs sneak out of fenced
yards.  I like to take Chance for walks in our own yard, and I have to
keep a constant lookout for loose dogs or cats.  I can't turn my back for
one minute.  Here we are in our own yard minding our own business and
still have to worry about a loose dog coming into the yard.  That's why I
can't take Chance out too much when I do yard work as I can't keep a
constant eye on him if I'm working.  Next year I plan on adding a screened
porch, so at least he can be safe, although I will still have to watch
that no dogs try to get at him.  Your neighbor's attitude is just plain
ignorant.  If I had a neighbor that blatantly let his dog free roam, I
would inform him that dogs should be kept in their own yard, and if it
continued, I would call Animal Control.  But the dogs that occasionally
come into my yard are ones that have somehow gotten loose, so it isn't
really the owner's fault.  Last week I caught a cat stalking Chance and
chased him out of the yard.  I guess you just have to be vigilant about
watching.  It's a rotten shame to learn the hard way.
Moxie and Chance
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Moxie and Chance
[Posted in FML issue 3598]