by Sean Stout
Once upon a time, there was a ferret named Rocky.  Rocky got a loose big
tooth.  He lost his sharp tooth.  So he put it in a bag, and put it under
his pillow.  And the ferret fairy came into his house.  She came into room
that night ... verrrrrry quietly.  And she saw the sharp tooth.  Then she
changed his sharp tooth into a cheweasil!  And left it under his pillow.
Then Rocky woke up and then he chewed the cheweasil all day long.  Then a
boy came along, named Sean.  And found a ferret what he always wanted.
Then the boy named Sean, he picked him up when he had a cheweasil in his
mouth.  And he looked in his mouth.  He saw he lost a tooth.  He took the
ferret home with him.  He asked his mommy, "Can I have this ferret mommy?"
She said, "Yes".  And then I kept him.  And I played with him in my room.
And then I put him in the living room to play with me.  I tickled him, and
I hugged him and I kiss him on the nose where he like to kiss.  And then I
pet him.  I tickle him and he runs around very excited.  He lays on his
back and move his arms and legs, and open his mouth too.  And then the boy
named, Sean, told him a story about people and how they go potty.  And I
said to him that ferret poops and humans poop just like ferrets, and cats,
and dogs, and all kinds of animals.  The humans go pee and the ferrets go
pee just like you are a ferret.  And I wanted to tell you that you are a
ferret.  And I am a human.  And I'm like daddy and I'm supposed to take
care of you.  But on Wednesday, I played with him in the hallway and then
the living room for an hour.  When mommy woke up, I picked up Rocky and
bringed him in my moms' room.  And I showed her Rocky ... had my true,
true ferret that I always loved in my heart.  And after that I played with
him for a little more.  And I put him up.  On Thursday, I went to school.
When I came back from home, I did my chores, I did my clothes, I did
ferret waters, I hold Rocky and stuff.  And he was cuddly in my arms.  And
then I put him up.  I went back upstairs.  And then I went back
downstairs.  And then I got his leash.  And I went outside.  I hold him
outside.  And I walk with him with his hat on his head.  Then I came back
inside.  Then I hugged him and kiss him, and then I put him up and I love
him so much all in my heart.
the end
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[Posted in FML issue 3598]