xxxxxxxxxxdon asked the FML, "Is shipping ferrets legal?", and stated it
>certainly wasn't moral.
>Yes, it is....why would it be illegal?  And, what, pray tell, is immoral
>about shipping an animal?  Thousands of animal a year are shipped via the
>airlines...I sure haven't heard "It isn't moral" used before.  My
>curiosity is piqued!
I think my quote has been taken a bit out of context, I was talking about
the morality of shipping to the UK (and other countries). I personally
wouldn't like to think of an animal being shipped so far. Domestic flights
are acceptable but the thought of ferrets alone on long international
flights worries me.
Also, what's to stop someone ordering a ferret to be sent to the UK, and it
then having to spend six months in quarantine due to our rabies laws? I'm
not saying rabies quarantine places are bad places but they're not ideal
[Posted in FML issue 3597]