Georgia, it was wonderful of you to remind us about contributing to SOS
via United Way.  It is indeed easy to fill out the pledge card to earmark
funds for SOS.  I'm guessing that the pledge cards are universal across
the country--in this case, you'll see the "Other" section on the right
hand side of the pledge card with the three lines underneath it to fill in
the name, address, and EIN.  To be on the safe side, fill in your phone
number on the card (I don't usually give my phone number, but our United
Way rep assured us that the only case where a phone number would be used
is to clarify something on the pledge card.  I know where she works if
she's lied to me.  <g>) in case there's a problem.
I decided to give to SOS this year in memory of my six year old Gatsby,
who died of lympho about two weeks ago.  I thought about posting a tribute
to her on the list, but I'm afraid if I started writing it, I'd start
crying and never be able to stop.  Compounding the sadness is the fact
that I've decided that I won't be getting any more ferrets.  I have/had
three ferrets with IBD, and two of them later developed lymphoma.  I know
the relationship between the IBD and lympho can't be proven, but something
in the way I care for my animals clearly makes them more susceptible to
IBD/lymphoma.  I couldn't bear putting another ferret through that, now
that I know.  I highly suspect my heart wouldn't be able to take it
either.  So there will be a sad day in the future when I have no little
fuzzbuts to share my life.  It kills me just to imagine it.
At any rate, I was glad to be able to honor Gatsby's memory by giving to
the ferrets who don't have a mommy to love them the way I loved my little
girl squirrel.
Laura Martinez
PS: Sandee, if you see my Gatsby girl, please tell her I miss her little
head popping up when I walk in the room, and that I hope she's found
Marshmallow and Saffy.
[Posted in FML issue 3595]