I have a dilemma that I hope someone could help me with.  I recently
purchased a new mattress and box spring.  The previous one was pretty old
and my ferrets had tunneled their way into it from underneath.  The new
mattress worked well for awhile, it sits directly on the floor, until they
found a seam under the cover of the box spring on the side.  It rapidly
became a hole.  I put card board over it.  That worked for a little while.
But once the fuzz butts figured out that there was one way in, they have
been relentless.  They dig and dig until they rip open the fabric.  Now
many holes later, it's a mess.  I have rigged up many barriers to no
avail.  My brother seems to think that buying plywood and cutting it to
fit around the bed would work.  I'm not sure how to make it stay though.
Right now I have a combination of wood pieces, cardboard and my old heavy
nursing books (knew they would come in handy some day) with weights
holding it against the bed.  So attractive!  Really though, I don't care
much how it looks as long as it works.  You have to admire their
persistence, it's incredible.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Suzi and Cheech, Chong, Goose, Ruby and Mookie.
[Posted in FML issue 3593]