As for the shampooing of your furkids.  From my experience and from what I
have read, once a month is the best.  We do ours at the beginning of the
month so we always remember when they need it.
When we first got our first baby in May, we tried giving her a bath....
well actually, her daddy did and when I got home he was all scratched up
because he didn't expect her to suddenly jump from the tub, climb on his
arm with her claws and over his shoulder and out of the bath room...I wish
I would have been there to see that.
We now give them showers instead.  They seem to really enjoy it and it
makes it real simple.  In one bathroom we have just a shower.  I bring one
furkid in and put up anything that they could hurt themselves with.  Put a
towel or two on the floor and then take a shower while she wanders around.
The shower door is left cracked open so that they are able to come in and
walk through the water (Spice is the only one that does this though) plus
I can see them this way.  Once I am done with my shower, I get the furkid
and bring them in and shut the door.  I let them get adjusted and let the
water hit them.  Once they are wet enough I take their shampoo and put it
on their bath scrunchy (you know, the ones that are normally in a round
shape and the new *rave*).....yes, they have their own!  Get them all
lathered up and cleaned with the scrunchy and then time to hold them up
for the rinse.  They haven't seemed to mind this part of it.  One of them
even kept trying to play with the water coming at him.  Before I put your
furkid back down, I make sure all of the soap is off her and down the
drain (wouldn't want the soap getting back on them again).  Once I'm ready
to get out of the shower just let her go in the bathroom while I dry off.
The towels are on the ground and she can try off a little too.  Then later
I help her dry off and then take her to the living room give her to her
daddy so that he can play with her and dry her off some more.
Sorry that was so long... I really didn't mean to make it THAT long!
Sorry.  But just wanted to share in what makes our "bath" time easier.
Spice, Pepper
Fosters:  Flower and Bugs
[Posted in FML issue 3617]