I'm currently adopting 2 ferrets that I was notified about through the
FML.  I currently have three fuzzies ages 2 1/2, 9mths & 6 mths.
The two that I am adopting are brother and sister and are 1 yr old.
Since this is my first adoption(s), what precautions do I need to take
concerning communicable diseses like EEC (sp?).  I already know how to
introduce ferrets to other ferrets & I plan to have a vet look over them.
I know somestuff to look for.  Any suggestions are welcome, I can be
e-mailed directly and would prefer that because I am receiving them
tomorrow night (Friday 11/30).  Thanks ahead of time!
Dave, Cyn (The master of the house), Bermuda (NOTHING is out of my reach,
I will always get what I want) and Chessie (I'm white and fluffy and you
can't resisit me!) also at the bridge Siberia, probably causing as much
havoc as she did here.(Though I loved all of it.)
[Posted in FML issue 3617]