Don't forget to support the businesses that have been so wonderful about
supporting NYC's ferret legalization efforts over the past few years.  All
have great items for the holidays for both you AND your ferrets!  There
are ferret T-shirts, books, bags, magazines, calendars, mugs, and lots of
toys and supplies for your favorite ferrets too!
-- Modern Ferret Magazine: http://www.modernferret.com
    and Ferret Designs http://www.ferretdesigns.com
-- The Ferret Company: http://www.ferretcompany.com
-- The Ferret Store: http://www.theferretstore.com
-- Ferrettoons: http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/6534/ferrettoons.html
-- FACT ferret shelter in CT (which has been very generous to us in its
   donations) also has some great items for your ferrets, but you'll
   have to call them for a catalog: (860) 247-1275
      Remember... it's your patriotic duty to SHOP
           and support America's Economy! :o)
(For gift items that support Ferret Legalization Efforts in NYC, check out
the Fundraising page on the NYCFerrets.Com website.  We're on "iGive" now
as well!)
[Posted in FML issue 3616]