I have a friend who recently adopted a ferret and has tried all kinds of
treats.  She wants a treat that she can keep nearby that when Jacob (the
ferret) goes to the litter box she can reward him because he doesn't use
it all the time.  He hates Pounce, Bandits, Friskies Tarter control
treats.  He has an exceptional sweet tooth so she heard about rasins.  He
loves them but she read somewhere that once a day is a good treat for
them.  I remember recently a rasin discussion on here but I was wondering
for my friend if once a day (when there is not many treat alternatives for
this guy) is a good thing or too much sugar.  Now he does love ferrettone
and he likes hairball formula but she doesn't want to overtreat him with
that as well.
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[Posted in FML issue 3616]