Hi Everyone ~
Seasons Greetings to all the hoomans out there.  Just remember to hang
the tree high - you never who or what will be absconding with your
ornaments! : )
Well I wanted to give an update on my baby girl Unagi on her adrenal
surgery.  If you recall we traveled from California to Oregon to have
adrenal surgery done by an experienced vet.  Not that my vet in CA
couldn't do the job, but I was planning to adopt A (meaning ONE) baby
from the shelter in Bend, OR and figured I could kill two birds with one
stone - not to mention the surgery cost starts at $700 in CA and $400 in
OR.  (If that was a no-brainer! ; )
In one word Unagi is doing GREAT!  Her left adrenal was about the size of
a 1/2 a pea, brown, black and icky.  Dr. Deb LaPaugh removed it without
incident and in the process checked out all her other organs.  She woke up
with a clean bill of health and ready to go home!  She was such a trooper!
I was so proud of her.  This weekend I removed the four stitches myself
(with the help of my two ferret loving kids) and her belly and scar is
recovering wonderfully!  I think she may even already be growing some
peach fuzz where she lost her hair!  I am so happy and relieved.  I can't
thank Dr. Deb and the staff at LaPaw Animal Hospital enough.  They were
Ok, so now onto the BIG NEWS of ferret math!  I adopted two big boys -
Harry and Hank.  I chose Harry and Hank (formerly known as Oliver) chose
me (and thank goodness he did!) They are so sweet!  Harry is a dark eyed
silver mitt/marked white/blaze (possible hearing problem - or maybe it's
strictly selective??), Hank is a true albino with extra large ears.  Hank
is the dancer of the two - he just can't stop!  Oh, and is he so fun to
play with!  He runs right at you and jumps into your arms.  Harry on the
other hand is a big sweetheart - he will let you cuddle him until you get
tired.  This morning Harry and I took a shower together and after to thank
me he gave me a big CHOMP!  on the bottom of my foot!  Needless to say I
gave him a swipe with the washcloth!  and a big kiss for being my baby!
I am in love!  This is the first opportunity I had to adopt from a shelter
(my dogs are all rescues) and have decided that the 8-10 hour drive is
well worth the effort.  I had a great time visiting with Kristine at
Friends of Fuzzies and seeing what an awesome job she does with the
shelter kids.  She knew all 50 by name!  She is way cool!
Thank you for all the good wishes for Unagi's surgery - obviously someone
answered all our prayers! ; )
Fuzzy hugz and whisker kisses,
Tanya and Max, Raider, Peanut, Goose, Unagi, Pikachu, Hank and Harry
Oliver, Randy, Charlie, Ted, and Petey (dogs)
and for Snickers who patiently awaits our arrival at the bridge
[Posted in FML issue 3615]