>From:    Sharon McLaughlin <[log in to unmask]>
>Well..  We added a New addition to Our Family.  He a 5 months old Sable
>boy named Rocky.  I saw him in the Pet Store.  When I was checking him
>to see if he was a Boy or a Girl, I noticed that his Penis was Horribly
>ripped Open and looked like it was infected.  I went to the store manager
>and told them that The little boy needed Help and showed her the problem.
Hi Folks,
Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Hawk (and yes that is my real
name :) and my family: my partner Patrick who shares my great love of
animals.  Salem a 7mth.  old Sable who is the sweetest little guy you
could ever meet.(Not that I'm biased mind you).  Pyewhacket a 4 yr. old
Siamese Tabby who now things he's a ferret.  (He bounces and trouces since
the ferret has been with us.)  And Smoky a 28 year old African Grey that
rules the house.
I grew up working in a small town petshop owned by a wonderful man and
woman team that ABSOLUTELY loved exotic animals.  They taught me so much
about parrots and reptiles.  Their care and training and how to understand
and love them.  Which brings me to my point.  How can people own or work
in a petshop and abuse animals like this post shows?  I can't imagine
anyone not loving a ferret.  People are so strange.  I'm curious if this
shop has been reported to the local animal authorities and to the mother
corporation if it is a chain?  The more reports these places get the
sooner the abuse stops.
Well this is my first post but I can promise it won't be my last.  All
blessings to every creature great and small and those of us who love and
adore them.
Hawk, Patrick, Salem, Pyewhacket & Smokey
[Posted in FML issue 3615]