Well, it has been a week(and a day) since I picked up Binks.  (Binks was
found on the side of the road and picked up by some nice ppl)  I had his
shots updated on Friday and he was checked out by my vet.  They loved him
and he visited with Edwina......the resident ferret.  My vet agrees that
he is within his first year as his teeth look excellent and he has bounds
of energy.
and then I spent a good hour and a bunch of gas riding the backroads of
J'ville, checking out where Binks was found.  I posted some signs (in the
pouring rain..) visited a couple of pet stores to ask if they would put up
my signs.  Then I have called the animal shelter and a few vets offices
asking if anyone is missing a ferret.  Noone has called.  *sigh*
Binks is no longer lovely huggy snuggly as he was when I first got him.  I
can tell he loves to snuggle, but if it is a chance to explore he prefers
to get down...just like my last three were, lol!  My husband even played
with him last night.  Mr. No More Ferrets actually secretly likes him
after all.
The only bad habit Binks has is he likes to bite socked feet.  Bare feet
are fine...shoes are fine.  But socks are fair game.  Yoda was bad to do
that too.  And it HURTS!!  So I have taken to going sockless when he is
about.  We are also working on learning to hit our litter box when we are
I thought Binks was dead yesterday.  It scared me pretty bad.  I had hung
a cat toy in his cage...and he was playing with it.  I got busy and went
back to check on him later and he was sprawled out on the floor near the
toy.  I said, 'Hey ferret!' No response.....so when I opened the door to
poke him he sat up and looked at me like "yeah, what?"  He was so happy
with his new toy he played with it until he tired himself out.  anyway,
no more unsupervised toy time again.
Binks also has a new nickname as my son calls him Buddy.  I still have't
told my parents or in laws we have a new ferret.  They already think we
are crazy as it is.  But eventually I'll have to I guess.  I was just
waiting in case someone does come out of the woodwork to claim him.
anyway, it doesn't appear Binks old owners are going to call or are even
looking for him.  perhaps he was dropped after all.  and that is a sad
sad thought.
One thing about Binks.  He is eating and drinking like a pig.  In the
beginning, I assumed he is catching up from being out in the wilds.....but
he didn't look too thin.  But now I'm wondering.  My vet says it is the
time of the year they start eating more.  Are anyone else's ferrets eating
more now, or do you think Binks is still catching up?
Melissa and Binks
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[Posted in FML issue 3614]