Hi everyone,
Just an update on what i have been doing, and what response i have had so
far regarding my search for Eppy, my little lost boy.
I have bought my own printer to get going on the flyers, and have run out
of cartridge ink, and figure it is quicker and just about the same with a
little extra added in, if i go and get them printed.  (something to do
first thing in the morning on Mo/tomorrow.)  I have papered almost every
parishoner @ the local catholic and lutheran church, that i could, house
to house, fliers on poles, trees, where ever i could, and store windows,
i finally ran out of fliers...as i was putting them out i would have the
printer printing more for me..
Tomorrow i am going to the grade schools and asking if they would allow
the children to know about my missing ferret, and that if they see him, to
let their parents know to call me.  ( i can only hope, for there will be
many on their way to school in more places than i can be @ one time, for
school day tomorrow.) Have also contacted our local postal carrier, have
an ad in the lost and found section of newspaper..and nearby businesses
that would allow me to put something up...even stopped on my way through
neighborhood and talked to anyone who would willingly listen and take a
flier, to hang onto for identification and my phone number.  I have so
little time left, before i have to go back to work, and it is 40 hours
from Tue - Sat, so--that really cuts into my search time, and being in
retail and the company i work for, they are pretty unsympathetic to a
missing animal situation (my assumptions, but i am probably not far off
the mark on that one) i need to keep my job, to pay for the food for all
the others that i am caring for, and the vet care, thank goodness my
daughter works at a clinic that can see ferrets...
Did get a few phone calls, and it appears that Eppy may have been seen
in a park only a few blocks from home.  This call came from a concerned
young man, and i wish he would have left a name and #, he called from a
payphone.  Met a few other young men out looking for Eppy this afternoon,
and talked to them, they may have seen him close to same as the other
sighting, so it is still hopeful.
I have walked the park all afternoon, after taking a brief nap, from
exhaustion.  We were there till after midnight, which is why i am writing
this now...no sleep as have to deliver my papers in a few hours..
This is getting lengthy, so had better close for now...or it will not post
Please, please keep my baby boy in your prayers, for him, not for me...I
talked to him while i was @ the park this evening, told him how much i
truly loved and missed him, and that he needed to be looking for me as
well as i looking for him.  I am just sick about all of this...just
sick...i already have 2 holes in my heart...
[Posted in FML issue 3613]