Just no news yet, but i have just begun to get the word out that he is
missing, got picture posters up and some regular B & W worded posters,
going to get more copies made, and canvass the houses in the neighborhood
and work out from there...it is overwhelming, looking at all the garages,
fallen leaves, hidey holes that he could possibly be in, and keep the
faith that maybe someone has seen and picked him up and is just waiting
for me to find him.  I have 2 days off to dedicate to his search, and
post, post post i will.
BIG, you are good, i just never thought to put that i am in Wisconsin in
the second post!  I finally broke down and had some scrambled eggs, it
is about all that my stomach can take right now, but i need something to
sustain me through this all.
Please, continue to keep Epimetheus and his well being in your prayers...
you would be surprised what the power of prayer can do.
[Posted in FML issue 3613]