>From:    katharine <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Marshall Farms
>Why do people feel the need to apologize for having MF ferrets?  Why do
>people let others on the List intimidate them into apologizing?  How
>incredibly rude!!  Owning a MF ferret is nothing to be ashamed of.
I agree entirely!  Who is apologizing?  My first ferret was a MF ferret
and was purchased a long time ago (over ten years ago) BEFORE MF ferrets
(or any ferrets) were so easily found in pet stores.  He lived till age
seven (the last year with insulinoma).  I believe this was because he
came before MF got as big as they are now and were paying closer attention
to breeding.  He was a very sweet little guy which I attribute to the fact
that he got so much attention and love, not his origin.
>Don't let troublemakers make you doubt your decision to own a MF ferret.
>Don't EVER apologize.  It is your personal decision.  Some may disagree
>with some of their business practices but no one has the right to question
>your decision to own a MF ferret.  If you've been around the ferret world
>for any length of time, you've heard it over and over adnauseum.  Make
>your own decisions.
Amen again!  I never questioned Debra's decision to own MF ferrets.
You are reading things into this.  Debra and I began private email
exchanges about food, litter etc...when she first came on the FML.  She
had inquired about what she had read about MF practices, so we began
exchanging information.  Debra and I have no squabbles, you are reading
too much into this but it sure is nice of you to jump to her defense!
Is this your "cause"?
>If it weren't for MF, I probably would have never been introduced to the
>wonderful world of ferrets.  I have bought several in the past.  All of
>mine now are rescues.  I have seven ferrets, and five of them are from MF,
>all rescues.  I love all of them unconditionally and certainly don't think
>they are inferior in any way.  They are all as sweet as can be and accept
>newcomers without question.  I know when I see those tattoos that they
>will integrate into my group.  I have seen no greater incidence of illness
>or disease and many others have said the same thing.
experience with MF ferrets in the past five years, has been nothing but
health-related problems.  80% of those I have fostered, rescued or added
to my group, did not make it past the age of three (mostly two years)
due to adrenal cancer and juvenile lymphoma.  I have also kept track of
friends' ferrets from MF, and they have experienced the same.  I can only
speak for my experiences and have only spoken for my experiences.  Read
the archives and you can view what I have tried to do about this.  You
can also read the archives and see what I have experienced with higher-ups
at MF and also what I have seen of shipping at the pet store level.  It is
not a pretty sight.  Also, I don't think that the reason all your ferrets
are integrating has anything to do with their breeding origins.  I have
seen many MF ferrets not able to integrate.  Great, and how lucky if that
has been your experience.  Until you have walked in my shoes with MF, you
could not possibly understand.
>The people who can't let it go seem to need a cause in their lives.
It is this attitude that accomplishes nothing.  I am trying to change
things FOR the ferrets.  I will continue to fight MF over their practices
and will continue to NOT buy their products.  This is my "cause" in
addition to educating newbies, helping shelters etc...People who don't
ever try to change the wrong in this world and only complain about it, are
a different story.  I am making attempts, not just sitting on my arse and
griping.  What if those who have performed ferret rescues or those who
have seen cruelty, just sat back and didn't pursue their "cause" for fear
of people accusing them of not having a life and you are one of those who
discouraged them?  How would you feel then?  Your statement above is very
offensive to those who are trying to change the world for the betterment
of both people and animals.
>This happens to be what they have chosen.  If their goal is to have people
>apologizing for owning their ferrets, they have accomplished that.
Who is apologizing for owning ferrets?  Nobody should ever have to
apologize for owning these wonderful creatures.  Again, ALL ferrets
deserve love and care.  However, if I can make changes to how breeders
and farms operate and treat ferrets, what is wrong with that?  If I can
get others to help my "cause", what is wrong with that?  That is how this
country works.  Charity organizations have sprung from similar intent and
so have shelters.  In fact, if YOU read the archives about MF, YOU can see
some shelter operators have posted similar information about MF.  However,
I have NEVER seen anyone say that MF ferrets deserve less treatment or
love than any other ferrets.  That is ridiculous and I would add them to
my "cause" if so - LOL.  Stop reading things in where you are not aware
of what has transpired.
Also, a big thanks to Debra Evans for being such a good ferret mommy and
all-around nice person!
>Let it go.  There is tons of stuff in the archives.  Read to your
>hearts'content and then make your own decision.
Yup!  Read to your hearts content and make educated decisions.  If
something does not seem right to you, research it, then make an informed
decision.  The FML is a place where people share THEIR experiences and
can learn from others.  By all means, if something occurs to you and you
need further information, ask.  Don't accuse others of not having a life
because you don't agree with their "cause".  All of us are diverse and
that is what our country is fighting to maintain...our freedom.  I am
fighting to maintain that all ferrets are treated well from birth to
death.  If it means lots of time trying to change how farms breed ferrets,
then it is worth it to me.
[Posted in FML issue 3611]