Hello everyone!  I have been receiving the fml a couple of days now, but
haven't had a chance to post anything until now.  I figured I would start
out by posting on my favorite ferrets.  Of course I cannot do them justice
with words, but I can try.....
*Pixie is my favorite because she was my first.  I saw this tiny little
girl at the pet store down the road from me.  She looked to small to be
taken away from her mother.  She is still tiny.  But, that doesn't stop
her from keeping all the other ferts in line.  She is definately the queen
of this house!  She loves for me to hold her and rub behind her ears, that
puts her to sleep.  She is my prissy girl!
*Genie is my favorite because she is very laid back.  Nothing seems to
bother her.  Just roll her over and rub her belly and she is happy.  She
is also my only fert that loves to swim!  She is such a sweetie!
*Mr.Grinch is my favorite because he is the clown of the bunch.  He is
also a ladies man.  Whenever Genie is swimming, he waits by the side of
the pool to give her kisses!  Mr. loves to play with ping pong type balls.
It looks like he is playing some sort of solitare soccer when he does
this!  It is very funny!
*Luna is my favorite because when I first saw her I has never seen a
ferret of her color. I also got her because she kept biting me and
drawing blood. I was affraid no one would want her. She was also the
first fert I had ever taken to Petsmart with me. Luna loves it when
I let her crawl around in my jacket and climb up my back to sit on
my shoulder.
*Rhiannon is my favorite because she was my first rescue.  She belonged to
my brother and his gf.  I showed my butt when I saw how skinny she was,her
living conditions,and how they treated her.  She is also my only albino.
She loves to drag around and hide her toy snake!  She is the only fert
that loves to lick,lick and them chomp my arms.
*Skooter is my favorite because he is my fat boy!  There was an ad under
the ferret classifieds saying he needed a home.  So,I traveled an hour
and a half one night to get him.  I was amazed to see how fat he was.  He
loves to give kisses and knows how to roll over.  But, he will only roll
over for one of his favorite squeeky toys!
*Gypsy is my favorite because she is such a sweetie pie!  I found her at a
pet store.  She was four years old at the time.  She looked sick and had
no hair on her tail.  She was only $35.  The owner of the store told me
that her owners wanted to get rid of her b/c they were having a baby.  I
wanted to find out all about her, so, he called them to ask them ?s for
me.  They didn't want to talk to me.  They said all they would tell me is
that she was 4, she had never been to the vet(they didn't know you had to
take ferts to the vet),and that she had been abused by the owners before
them.  Her name at the time was Luna.  I already had a Luna, so, I named
her Gypsy.  I had to take her home with me because I knew I could give her
the best home she had ever had.
*Thor is my favorite because he is my deaf little boy.  He is also my only
blaze.  He is a very hyper boy,but loves to lay in mommie's arms when he
first wakes up, and whenever he gets tired of playing.  He just loves to
chew on my ears, and loves to steal Skooter's squeeky toys from his hidey
*Willow is my favorite because he seems to never get sleepy.  He almost
always finds some fert droppings to roll around in.  He is another one
that likes to climb up my back and sit on my shoulder.  He makes the most
odd crying sound when he gets mad.  It makes him very happy to jump in
the air and land on another ferret!
*Autumn is my favorite because it was fate that I brought her home.  When
I saw her in the pet store,I didn't have enough $ to get her.  So, I told
my bf that if she was still there when I went back the next week, I would
have to bring her home with me.  I was very mad to see how nasty her cage
was,how she had no water, and how nasty she was.  After holding her on the
way home, my hands were orange.  She is a beautiful little girl!
*Garcia is my favorite because he is my newest fert.  His mommie had to
find him a new home b/c he didn't get along with the other ferts there.
He is a great guy!  He loves to be held and give kisses.  He fit right in
here very quickly.  He found a best friend and a gf his first week here!
Misty and my eleven children!
"No more turning away..from the weak and the weary,No more turning away
from the coldness inside,Just a world that we all must share, It's not
enough just to stand and stare,Is it only a dream that there'll be..no
more turning away." <~~~Pink Floyd (On the turning away)
[Posted in FML issue 3576]