Hi all
Things are picking up here.  Da holidays are coming.
A little guy named Frisco came in today.  He waz met by Harriette, and
Thunder.  They were real happy to see each other.  There waz not enough
time since da last crossing so there waz not much news to discuss.  They
sat and talked for a little.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da
sights and attractions.  Then it waz off to da Otter Slide to introduce
Frisco to da slide and get him a little wet.  They did some sliding but
mostly slashing.  Anyone dat came near got wet from da splashing.  They
seemed to have a lot of fun at it too.  He said to send lots of luv and
many kisses to hiz mommy.
A little girl named Lucky Charm came in later.  She waz met by Esperanza,
Angel, Normie, Harry, Ralphie, Frankei and C-pi.  I introduced everone dat
didn't know each other to everyone else.  They were all happy to see each
other and were also interested in da gosssip and news at home.  They sat
and talked for some time over this.  Then it waz off to get a small snack
before exploring.  After da snack it waz exploring time.  They went around
to see all da sights and attractions.  Then it waz off to Dirt Mountan to
do some serious digging.  Da digging had a point to it though and they
combined fun with getting something done.  They soon had enlarged it to
accomadate one more.  She said to send lots of luv and kisses to her
Another little girl named Suzy came in later.  She waz meet by Socks,
Baily, Nibbles, Renny and many of their friends.  They were really happy
to see each other and there waz hugs all around.  They were also
interested in da gossip and news.  They sat and talked for some time.
Then it waz off to do some exploring and see all da sights and
attractions.  After dat Suzy waz interested in trying out her new wings so
I assigned her an instructor.  She waz soon soaring away like a veteran.
Her landings were even not to bad.  There were no crash landings like a
lot of them have.  She is a natural at this.  She said to send lots of
luv and many hugs and cuddles to her mommy.
I am off to continue planning.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3574]