I'm new to the list, and I just rescued 2 ferrets (her a light sable, him
a chocolate, both 3 years old).  These are not my first ferrets, but this
is the first time that I have been stumped with litterbox training.  I
changed litter types, I changed litter box types and I just have never had
a problem with litter training in the past.  The young lady uses the box,
no matter what type of litter, etc.  The young man refuses.  He moves the
box (velcroed in after that), he goes in another corner, anywhere but in
the box.  They both get plenty of attention and get love.  The prior owner
says that she never had a problem with this, and we have mimicked what she
did.  Any suggestions?
Mark, Roxy & Badger
[Posted in FML issue 3574]