It is us that should be thanking you!  The band had a great time, getting
away from the anthrax state (nude joisey) for a bit and enjoying the fresh
air, good food and good people.  I also walked away with one of the nicest
ferrets Ive ever had, Albie!  You do so much for the fuzzbutts and it
would be our pleasure anytime to entertain at your gatherings.
On a note to everyone Kim and I got one the highway from
Rocky's, we turned on the radio to find that the U.S. was bombing.  At
that exact moment an AMERICAN BALD EAGLE flew across our field of vision
and off to our left.  You wanna talk about a sudden feeling of dread
(those of you that know me will understand how I take signs).  I have
NEVER seen a bald eagle let alone one at a moment so digusting to me.  It
kinda took the wind out of my sails from all the fun I had at Oktoberfest.
Have a nice day!
Stan Sikorski
The 2001 Ferretones a.k.a. 3 Leg Dog
[Posted in FML issue 3573]