>From:    Sara Munz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: New distemper vaccine from Merial
>OK, so I've been bugging our vet about this great new distemper vaccine,
>can he get it for us, etc.  etc.  The vet tech called Merial and this
>fantastic new distemper vaccine costs TWICE AS MUCH!!! as Fervac.  Guess
>what - our shelter is going to stick with Fervac for a while.  We've been
>pretty lucky as far as reactions go (knock on wood), but we certainly
>can't afford to double our cost per vaccination.  (Of course, it helps
>that our vet never charges us extra when we DO have a reaction - bless him!)
>I'm surprised no-one else has mentioned this, because it is certainly
>an issue for shelters and anyone else who has a lot of ferrets and/or
>financial issues.
I doubt that that makes much difference to the average ferret owner.  To
a shelter it might matter, but the person who has a few ferrets and has a
vet give the vaccine isn't going to notice much difference.  I pay my vet
$18 for a distemper vaccination with Galaxy-D.  THe actual vaccine
probably cost less than $4 per vial in flats of 25 doses, so the charge
for professional services is $14.  If the cost of the Merial is $8 per
vial, my vet would only need to charge $22 to make his same fee.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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URA Redneck if you sell rabits out of your car.
[Posted in FML issue 3573]